Friday, June 4, 2010

I am now 17 weeks and my lil Bambino is the size of the one in the picture above... Most of your have been asking about how I'm doing in this pregnancy journey, so here you go...
The first trimester has been over for awhile, and thank God! Most of you have heard my complaints over and over...well, now you're going to hear about it again! It was HELL. I basically felt like I had the flu for 2 months straight. I was stuck in bed feeling nauseous from the second I woke up until the second I fell asleep. I'll spare the details, but let me tell you, spewing stomach acid and then trying to keep everything you eat down on a daily basis is completely exhausting. I barely had the energy to take a bath, and when I did manage to pull together the energy to draw the water and get in, I stayed in there for 1-2 hours.
Another downfall to this so-called "morning sickness" is how disgusting 99% of food sounds, smells, and appears. I was living off of potatoes, ramen, crackers, bread, dry cereal, protein bars, and any kind of fruit. Fruit was the most fabulous thing in the world to me! Some of my once favorite foods (grilled onions and mushrooms, cheese, garlic, anything creamy and any kind of meat) made me literally gag...or worse. I would actually make gagging noises and John would freak out, only to find I just saw a commercial for Campbell's creamy soup or randomly had another nausea moment. This time was so bad I was seriously considering asking my doctor to just put me in a coma til my due date. Especially after hearing that some women, my cousin included, go through their whole pregnancy experiencing morning sickness!!!
The same week the morning sickness started to ease up and I had just picked my doctor and scheduled my first appointment, we had quite the scare. I'm relaxing in a nice bubble bath when I notice blood. Of course I freaked out, cried, and was praying like crazy and called my mom to rush home, then my doctor, who told me to go to the ER because they "had no room for an appointment for me" and then called John. It's amazing how much you realize you want something when there's a threat of losing it. A few hours in the ER later, I think I may have scared a few people in the hospital, blurting, "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MYYYYY GOOOOOOOOD!" because I was so amazed at what I was seeing for the first time...the ultrasound showed our lil one kicking back, legs moving, heart beating strong! The ultrasound tech was awesome and I was able to see everything so clear, unlike my ancient doctor and his ancient non-state-of-the-art ultrasound machine...
But all is well now. My only complaints are I get headaches (I was taking 3-4 tylenol a day, but they seem to be going away this week...knock on wood), I get tired very easily (one event or a few errands will totally wipe me out, how sad, but at least I've cut back on shopping...kinda), and the lil Bambino is getting bigger and pushing on my bladder like no other! (I wake up twice a night, and often race to the bathroom feeling like it's going to be the next niagra falls and it's just a lil annoying!) Like I said, I am happy to deal with this rather than the latter.

1 comment:

  1. Liz, I had to laugh the first time I read this. In sympathy, of course! Being miserable during pregnancy is a right of passage into a secret society. ;-)
